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Lanotec Australia part 2 on Global GreenTag's 'Talking Green'– out now!

GreenTag's Global Sales Manager Brett Hazlett visits Lanotec Australia's warehouse with General Manager Robert Doncon to dive into the company's products and to investigate their eco-friendly features.

Part two of the Lanotec Australia interview for Talking Green with Brett Hazlett goes into the Brisbane warehouse of the sustainable corrosion inhibitor, cleaning and lubricant manufacturer. General Manager Robert Doncon gives insight into Lanotec's Global GreenTag certified 'Heavy Duty' liquid lanolin lubricant and its eco-friendly and sustainable hallmarks.

Global GreenTag's Global Certification Sales Manager Brett Hazlett says: "It is a great honour for us to have Robert and the Lanotec Australia team feature as our first 'guests on Talking Green'."

"I have learnt so much more about Lanotec's operations, products and what to do with them. Robert shares some great information for all those people that want to find out more about green manufacturing."

In this episode, two main questions arise: 'Is the green colour used in 'Heavy Duty' packaging an indication of sustainability?' and 'How do Heavy Duty's sustainability and functional features interplay?'

While asking the first question, Brett points out that the Heavy Duty product has a green coloured trigger. Robert clarifies that the green colour ties in with the green concept of the product but importantly, both the packaging along with the contents of the product are fully accredited – third party certified as green after undergoing robust, scientifically backed assessment processes to certifying the validity of Lanotec's sustainability claims behind the product. For the next question, Brett shows curiosity in the synergy between Heavy Duty's different components. Robert details how the product does its job and its certification with Global GreenTag affirms this, he says. Certification assures Lanotec's buyers from independent customers through to big organisations, including private and government sector clients, who regularly use the product, of the product's performance as well as its environmental claims.

Without a doubt, Global GreenTag International and Lanotec Australia share a mutual commitment to upholding sustainability principles in manufacturing and commitment to a greener planet.

Read more about Lanotec's Global GreenTag certified product ranges: CLICK HERE

Episode 1 of Brett Hazlett Talking Green with Lanotec can be viewed: HERE

Watch here part 2 of the first episode of Talking Green - with Lanotec Australia

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